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Re: netbsd-7 LOONGSON kernel doesn't work

On Mon, 9 Feb 2015, Nick Hudson wrote:

> Do you get the same trap on 0xffffffffdeadbeef that jared got?


boot device: wd0
pid 0(system): trap: cpu0, address error (load or I-fetch) in kernel mode
status=0x80a3, cause=0x10, epc=0xffffffff802212e8, vaddr=0xffffffffdeadbeef
tf=0x980000008103fb80 ksp=0x980000008103fcc0 ra=0xffffffff8021ea2c ppl=0x8072e988
kernel: address error (load or I-fetch) trap
Stopped in pid 0.18 (system) at ffffffff802212e8:       cache   0x15,0x0(v0)
db> bt
0x980000008103fcc0: 0+ffffffff802212e8 (bff87800,bff87820,98000000bff87a00,bff87800) ra 0 sz 0
User-level: pid 0.18

> Can you provide a backtrace and convert the epc to a source address using
> addr2line (and a debug kernel)?

$ addr2line -e netbsd.gdb 0xffffffff802212e8
/x/current/src/sys/arch/mips/mips/cache_ls2.c:153 (discriminator 2)

Thanks for looking into this.

|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS               NetBSD     Darwin/MacOS X
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