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Re: latest evbmips/LOONGSON observations

After getting kernels working again (thanks Nick!), I've started seeing
the following message from syslog:

  ntpd[PID]: local_clock: .../src/external/bsd/ntp/dist/ntpd/ntp_loopfilter.c line 703: invalid struct timex pointer: 0x100fa718

The code block starting with that line is:

               if ((ntp_adj_ret = ntp_adjtime(&ntv)) != 0) {
                    ntp_adjtime_error_handler(__func__, &ntv, ntp_adj_ret, errno, hardpps_enable, 0, __LINE__ - 1);

So, it looks like "ntp_adjtime()" has issues with "ntv" which is a static
structure visble only to code in "ntp_loopfilter.c".

I tried attaching 'gdb' to the ntpd process that was reporting the
error, but doing so killed it, claiming "orphaned trace process".

|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS               NetBSD     Darwin/MacOS X
|\ / jdbaker[snail]mylinuxisp[flyspeck]com    OpenBSD            FreeBSD
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