pid 1005(find): trap: cpu0, address error (load or I-fetch) in kernel mode
status=0x8400ffa3, cause=0x10, epc=0xffffffff804007a4, vaddr=0x98000000854a001a
tf=0x98000000812cba40 ksp=98000000812cbb80 ra=0xffffffff804007a4 pp1=0x4000
kernel: address error (load or I-fetch) trap
Stoped in pid 1005.1 (find) at ffffffff804007a4: lwu v0,0(s0)
db> bt
0x98000000812cbb80: 0+ffffffff804007a4 (98000000bf459418,0,98000000bf459208,98000000bf459248) ra 0 sz 0
User-level: pid 1005.1
I've seen this happen before, but hadn't recently until now.
A curious thing is that DDB output isn't rendered on the screen unless
one switches to another virtual terminal and back again.