Subject: hp380 hardware info...
To: None <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 08/04/1994 22:43:27
This is a hardware question...
I have an hp380 running HP-UX (don't worry...not for long...) that does
the following at *powerup*
Remote console at 26
After beeps, hit L <return> to use local display as console
Well, this tells me that it's not assuming that I want to use the ite as
console...(it's a hyperion [sp?] that I grabbed out of a 433) After I do
the L <return> thing, the machine does it's regular boot cycle...You
know...What most hp's do at boot...bootrom revision, copyright, select
system to boot...etc...Well, after the kernel loads and starts, the
display just goes blank and never comes back, until a reboot, at which
time I get the 'hit L <return>' message again.
The curious thing is, is that machine worked fine with that video board
*forever*, up until I moved it across campus from the COE machine room to
my office...I'm imagining that I lost a jumper, or something...
Assuming that this was the case, I pulled the cpu board and peered
around...Well, I couldn't find any jumpers that were well labeled. There
are 4 jumpers (one connected) on the edge of the board that points at
the front fan...right next to the blinkey-lights...I'm wondering if I
jolted one or more of these little guys off, loosing it out of the front
Anyway, as soon as I can get a console, I'm going to install NetBSD on it
and use it as the CS Dept's new anon ftp server (hey! It's a step up
from the 375 we use now :-)
Can anyone shed some light on this, or perhaps point me at some hardware
docs for the 380?
BTW...the 380 is the single-most cluttered cpu board I have *ever* seen! :-)
Jason R. Thorpe 754-1554
OSU CS Support CSWest Room 12 737-5567
CSOS NetBSD/Symmetry Project