Subject: Re: Netscape.
To: Chris G Demetriou <Chris_G_Demetriou@LAGAVULIN.PDL.CS.CMU.EDU>
From: Scott Reynolds <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 03/12/1995 20:33:05
On Sun, 12 Mar 1995, Chris G Demetriou wrote:

> > It seems to be a logical conclusion that 
> > going to an 8k page would all but kill any chance of HP-UX binaries 
> > working.
> Your logic needs work.

"Insufficient facts always invites danger."  The problem is with the 
amount of data I had (have!) available, not with the logic.  Thanks for 
clearing that up for me, though.  I'm always amazed at the amount of data 
that you kernel hacker types have to keep straight...

I'll retract my previous statement wrt keeping the 4k page size.  I'm 
certainly not worried about a few meg of disk.


(the quote is from ST:TOS, btw)