Subject: Re: problem installing NetBSD-1.1 on hp425t
To: Don Lewis <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 12/02/1995 00:51:00
On Fri, 1 Dec 1995 20:46:55 -0800 (Don Lewis) wrote:
> This problem does not seem to occur if all the filesystems are built
> with 4K blocks and 1K fragments. The panic reliably occurs if I use
> 8K blocks and 1K fragments.
> Looks like some sort of wierd filesystem bug to me.
Hi ... sorry I've been slow to reply to this ...
I think this might be similar to a problem Gordon Ross encountered on the
sun3 related to page size and the vfs clustering stuff. Gordon?
> On Dec 1, 5:39pm, Don Lewis wrote:
> } Subject: Re: problem installing NetBSD-1.1 on hp425t
> } On Dec 1, 7:01am, Don Lewis wrote:
> } } Subject: problem installing NetBSD-1.1 on hp425t
> } } I've run into a problem installing 1.1 on an hp425t. The installation
> } } script gets most of the way through, but blows up making the devices.
> } }
> } } Making devices...vm_fault(105000, 4ef80000, 1, 0) -> 1
> } } type 8 code[mmu,,ssw]:505
> } } trap type 8, code: 505, v=4ef80400
> } } kernel: MMU fault trap
> } } pid=462, pc=0002FE06, s=2004, sfc=0001, dfc=0001
> } }
> } } followed by a register dump and a kernel stack dump.
> }
> } More information (please excuse any typos):
> }
> } _Debugger(...) + 6
> } _panic(...) + 34
> } _trap(8, 505, 4ef8040) + 1be
> } _addrerr(?)
> } _vgone(1c4b300, 5, 2180, 1c4b300, 1c4b31c) + de
> } _ufs_inactive(797dc8, 1c4b300, 1c1e500, a8520, 1c4b300) + 18e
> } _vrele(1c4b300, 2f99a, a85a4, 1c4b300, 797e3c) + 52
> } _vput(1c4b300, 1c4b480, 1c1ac00, c, 0) + 2c
> } _ufs_makeinode(2180, 1c4b480, 797eb0, 797ec4) + 248
> } _ufs_mknode(797e8c, e8, e, fa056, 0) + 32
> } _sys_mknode(1c51d00, 797f88, 797f80) + 1d8
> } _syscall(e) + 10a
> } _trap0() + e
> }-- End of excerpt from Don Lewis
Jason R. Thorpe
NASA Ames Research Center Home: 408.866.1912
NAS: M/S 258-6 Work: 415.604.0935
Moffett Field, CA 94035 Pager: 415.428.6939