Subject: BOOT-PROM !
To: None <port-hp300@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Alexander Strauss <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 07/16/1996 13:01:25
Hi there,

I've a HP/Apollo 400t (Mentor) machine which currently runs Domain/OS sr10.4.

Now, I want to upgrade it to NetBSD 1.x.

Here my questions:

1. In the manpage is written, that the machine must be in HP-mode.
Installing a HP-keyboard is no problem, but what about the boot-prom ?
Must I change it or can I set the mode from the boot level in service mode; if
that's possible, how can I do that ??
Are there any further required changes from Apollo to HP mode ?

2. Which Version of NetBSD is recommended ?? I saw there is a version 1.1 and a
1.2 BETA version.

3. Any further suggestion or well-known problems ??

Thanx to all .... Alex


 | Alexander Strauss        Phone: +49 8161 80 4569    _/_/_/_/_/  _/_/_/  |
 | Technical Marketing      Fax:   +49 8161 80 4841       _/        _/     |
 | Texas Instruments, Inc.  Email:       _/        _/      |
 | D-85350 Freising         Email:      _/        _/       |
 | Germany                  TI-MSG: ALST               _/      _/_/_/      |

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