Subject: Re: Installing on hp..
To: David Tauzell <>
From: Terry Lambert <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 11/07/1996 16:29:47
> I have some weird Scottish disks (actually only one now as the other broke
> down a few months ago). Anyway, just before my disk with the OS blew up,
> I figured out how to disklabel the other. In my case it was sufficient to
> get rid of the label in /etc/* (i can't remember the name now).
> This isn't of much help becuase I never really fiugred out why this was
> so, but you should go look in /etc/disktab (thats it) and see if anything
> looks funny.
This is the disklabel in SYS_INST, not the standard disklabel program...
sorry if that wasn't clear.
I suspect a problem with the SYS_INST SCSI disk interface.
Terry Lambert
Any opinions in this posting are my own and not those of my present
or previous employers.