Subject: X11R6 make
To: port hp300 <port-hp300@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andreas Brusinsky <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 11/25/1996 17:20:57
I don't know how far the X11R6.1 server for hp300 is, but
I'm currently attempting to compile it without any new code in it.
I applied the of X11R5 and mixed it with
the R6 shipped file.
This compiled up to xdm and rgb.(actually I had before that some problems
with the new gnu-bintools(2.7) but I used then the NetBSD ld and as and
it went through)
rgb had a problem to find a 'lidbm' and I just removed the
DBMLIB entry in the makefile. Then it worked. (I do not know what this
exactly did, but I thought that ndbm(it has something to do with the display
doesn't it?) is something that replaces dbm)
The thing that makes now more problems is the compilation of the xdm
In its files is a crypt function that can't be found in the combining
of the .o files.
rm -f xdm
gcc -o xdm -O2 -ansi -Dasm=__asm -L../../usrlib auth.o daemon.o
server.o dpylist.o dm.o error.o file.o netaddr.o reset.o
resource.o protodpy.o policy.o session.o socket.o
streams.o util.o xdmcp.o mitauth.o genauth.o
access.o choose.o xdmauth.o greet.o verify.o Login.o
-lXmu -lXt -lSM -lICE -lXext -lX11 -lXau -lXdmcp
session.o: Undefined symbol `_crypt' referenced from data segment
verify.o: Undefined symbol `_crypt' referenced from text segment
All shipped libraries are available so I don't know how this error comes
up (function crypt is in the /usr/lib/libcrypt library and can be found
with nm).
I can not explain myself this error and don't know a way around it.
The sourcefiles look ok.
I do not know If this might be because of any additional tool or
library that I have installed.
Thanks Andreas