Subject: gfx cards supported?
To: None <port-hp300@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Kevin Currie <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 11/27/1996 10:47:24
On Wed, 26 Jul 1995 10:43:14 -0600 (MDT) (Kerry Schwab) wrote:
> I did get NetBSD with one rather BIG catch. I have no display.
> Apparently the "EVRX" video is not supported. Is this true ?
> Will it be supported in the future ?
> Here's what my system says about it when booting:
> >EVRX at SGC slot 0 (Console)
Oh ... heh. I saw one of those once. We don't have support for any of
those SCG display cards...
Since upon boot the Hp 400 says that it has a HPA1659A in an SGC
slot does this mean it won't work?
+-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Bell SYGMA Telecom Solutions - Service Assurance-=-=-=-=-=-=+
| | HPUX / Solaris System Admin | |
| Kevin Currie | | Ottawa, Ontario |
+-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-PGP Key:finger