Subject: Re: 40MHz 68040 in 345 ?
To: Zadok <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 11/30/1996 17:00:22
On Thu, 28 Nov 1996 08:56:07 +0100 (MET)
Zadok <> wrote:
> I have the chance to put a 68040 into my 345... the problem is that i've
> herad only about 25 or 33MHz 68040 working in HP's, but there seems to me
> a 40MHz 68040. So, is it possible to ust this chip at full speed ( using
> an 80MHz quartz instead of 50 or 66 ) ? Will the hardware survive this ?
> Will it work ? Is it dangerous to try ?
I should let Dave Carrel or Herb Peyerl answer this... I think I remember
Dave mentioning to me that he tried to overclock his 68040 and it wasn't
pleased... Dave?
Jason R. Thorpe
NASA Ames Research Center Home: 408.866.1912
NAS: M/S 258-6 Work: 415.604.0935
Moffett Field, CA 94035 Pager: 415.428.6939