Subject: Re: BootROM for a 380
To: Zadok <>
From: Herb Peyerl <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 01/04/1997 07:33:54
Zadok <>  wrote:
 > On Fri, 3 Jan 1997, Wiker, Raymond wrote:
 > > 	What exactly must be done to upgrade a 345? Is it sufficient
 > > to change bootroms and replacing the 68030 card with a 68040 chip?
 > on a 68030 ) and eventually you have to replace the quartz thar produces
 > the processor clock, a 50MHz one should be n a 345, if you want to use a
 > 25MHz 68040 leave it where it is, but you need a 66MHz quartz for a 33MHz

IIRC, that's not strictly correct.

The motherboard on the 345 has an empty socket for the rock and the 
"L-shaped daughterboard" provides its own oscillator (probably 100Mhz
rock), and when you pull the daughterboard to put the 040 in, you lose
the oscillator and are required to put a 50/66 Mhz one in the empty 