Subject: -current on 425t w/ grf_hy
To: None <port-hp300@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Klaus Klein <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 01/09/1997 18:47:40
I decided to upgrade my 425t from 1.2 to -current, and just to check things
out, I tested (read: tried to test) a newly compiled -current (as of today)
kernel, which failed to recognize my hyperion framebuffer.
This output comes from a kernel configured without 'pseudo-device ite';
its predecessors (w/ite) died before configuring themselves that far -
I can't provide information on that case since the strange pinout of the
RS-232 port is missing. The same counts for kernels.
NetBSD 1.2B (QUITE_GENERIC) #7: Thu Jan 9 16:06:07 MET 1997
HP9000/380/425 (25MHz MC68040 CPU+MMU+FPU, 4k on-chip physical I/D caches)
delay constant for this cpu: 30
real mem = 16769024
avail mem = 12226560
using 409 buffers containing 1675264 bytes of memory
Parity detection enabled
hil1: German keyboard
dma0: 98620C, 2 channels, 32 bit
scode 188: WARNING: no space to map IO card, ignored
scode 189: WARNING: no space to map IO card, ignored
scode 190: WARNING: no space to map IO card, ignored
scode 191: WARNING: no space to map IO card, ignored
find_device: hw: id42 at sc9 (a00000), type 2005...found dca0
dca0 at scode 9 ipl 5 flags 0x1: console, working fifo
find_device: hw: id6 at sc12 (a10000), type 2008...not found
device id = 0x6 secid = 0x0 at scode 12 not configured
find_controller: hw: id7 at sc14 (a20000), type 2082...found scsi0
scsi0 at scode 14 ipl 3: 32 bit dma, async, scsi id 7
find_busslaves: for scsi0
looking for sd0 at slave 0...found
find_device: hw: id15 at sc21 (a30000), type 2002...found le0
le0 at scode 21 ipl 4: address 08:00:09:13:db:e1
le0: 8 receive buffers, 2 transmit buffers
find_device: hw: idff at sc191 (a40000), type 7f...not found
device id = 0xff secid = 0x0 at scode 191 not configured
interrupt levels: bio = 3, net = 4, tty = 5
(The beast's parallel port lives at scode 12). I have _no_ idea what it's
searching for at sc 188-191; the hyperion lives at sc 133.
I guess this broke when the changes where checked in around
961217 (Jason ?); unfortunately I rebuilt my CVS repository two weeks
ago, and changes beyond 1.2 are somewhat hard to distinguish between for
me, so any pointers would be welcome.