Subject: documentation
To: None <port-hp300@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Wolfson <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 01/29/1997 16:58:44
Hi everybody!

I just happened to get my grubby little hands on a box full of HP300 

If anyone's interested, I'd be willing to ship them out.  I'd
prefer to send the important ones out to folks who are willing to spend
some time and write it up for the FAQ.  

09000-90013	HP-UX Reference Vol 2: Sections 2 and 3
09000-90013	HP-UX Reference Vol 3: Sections 1M, 4, 5, 7, and 9
50952-90011	Installing and Maintaining NS-ARPA Services
92453-90026	Troubleshooting HP-UX Systems Error Diagnosis and Recovery
92453-90029	HP-UX System Security
97005-90002	HP-UX Installing Peripherals
97089-90057	Device I/O and User Interfacing HP-UX Concepts and Tutorials
98194-90005	NetIPC Programmer's Guide
98248-90020	Floating-Point Accelerator Reference
98515-90004	HP-UX Application Execution Environment
98561-90000	Installation Reference
98594-90013	Installing HP-UX
98594-90060	HP-UX System Administrator Manual	(2 copies)
98594-90061	HP-UX System Administration Tasks
98594-90062	HP-UX System Administration Concepts
98594-90081	Finding HP-UX Information
98594-90090	HP-UX Master Index
98597-90020	HP-UX Assembler Reference and Supporting Documents
98688-90010	HP Common Lisp II User's Guide
98688-90050	HP Common Lisp II Reference Manual	(2 copies)
98794-90005	HP OSF/Motif Programmer's Guide
98794-90006	HP OSF/Motif Programmer's Reference
98794-90007	HP OSF/Motif Style Guide
98794-90047	HP-UX Portability Guide

Any takers?

  -- MW