Subject: Re: README: new config!
To: David Carrel <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 01/31/1997 01:18:53
On Thu, 30 Jan 1997 12:53:27 -0800 
 David Carrel <> wrote:

 > Awesome Jason.  I've supped, cleaned, built and I'm now running a new
 > kernel.  Looks good!


 > OK, before I file a pr, maybe you can offer me a few pointers and I'll try
 > to track this down further.  I have only one bug.  Yes, it's that damn
 > second display again...

Actually, after reading your message, I know exactly what's wrong...
It's even my fault :-)  I've appended a diff below...

 > I have a modified grfinfo that properly displays errors (I'll send-pr that
 > soon) and it gets the error "Device not configured" on open().  I get the
 > same error for /dev/ttye1.

Right, so this is because I'm forgetting to set the "alive" bits in the
appropriate attach works for the console because the cninit
functions for those devices set up the flags.  "oops!"

Dave, if these changes work for you, please go ahead and commit them...

Jason R. Thorpe                             
NASA Ames Research Center                               Home: 408.866.1912
NAS: M/S 258-6                                          Work: 415.604.0935
Moffett Field, CA 94035                                Pager: 415.428.6939

Index: grf_subr.c
RCS file: /usr/og/devsrc/netbsd/src/sys/arch/hp300/dev/grf_subr.c,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -c -r1.5 grf_subr.c
*** grf_subr.c	1996/12/17 08:14:22	1.5
--- grf_subr.c	1997/01/31 09:15:46
*** 87,92 ****
--- 87,93 ----
+ 		gp->g_flags = GF_ALIVE;
  		gp->g_sw = sw;
  		gp->g_display.gd_id = gp->g_sw->gd_swid;
Index: ite.c
RCS file: /usr/og/devsrc/netbsd/src/sys/arch/hp300/dev/ite.c,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -c -r1.8 ite.c
*** ite.c	1997/01/26 19:41:34	1.8
--- ite.c	1997/01/31 09:17:09
*** 174,179 ****
--- 174,180 ----
  		bzero(ite->sc_data, sizeof(struct ite_data));
+ 		ite->sc_data->flags = ITE_ALIVE;