Subject: Re: hp400 overclocked to 33 Mhz (not sure what it is 425 or 433)
To: Andreas Brusinsky <>
From: David Carrel <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 02/11/1997 07:28:37
I don't know the hp400, but here's the scoop for an hp380.  There is no
jumper to reduce the memory clock, but there is one to add in a wait
state.  Right next to the 68040 socket, there is a single two position
(three posts) jumper marked 25/33.  Setting the jumper to 33 adds in a wait
state.  If the hp400 has the same jumper, then try the 33 setting.

If you still have troubles and you think it is the higher CPU speed, then
drop it down to 25 and see what happens.  To do this, just replace the
oscillator in the socket right next to the 68040.  New oscillators cost
about 6 dollars US.  The oscillator speed is twice the CPU speed/.

Have you tried hard to eliminate other reasons for the "internal compiler
error".  It could come from running out of disk space in /tmp or running
out of virtual memory 'cuz some other program big was running at the same
time.  Just thoughts.


> What mean the jumpers and switches on those machines?
> I don't know were to reduce the memory clock (25 --> 33).
> At least it seems that the system is running unstable.
> Sometimes I get internal compiler errrors and sometimes not.
> Sometimes there are other errors and the next time a compilation runs
> through. 
> How can I test where the error lies?
> Why does the system not crash in normal use situations?
> Why just in compiler runs?
> Can it be the overclocked processor as well? 
> 	Thanks Andreas