Subject: Re: hp400 overclocked to 33 Mhz (not sure what it is 425 or 433)
To: Andreas Brusinsky <>
From: Michael Joosten <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 02/12/1997 00:20:56
> still close to the CPU is also a three pin jumper called w001 and close to
> the back is a set of 8 jumpers called w002 (w may stand for wait
> state and there may be 8 because I have 8 slots for memory modules).
No, the w002 is the jumper for Thin vs Thick(AUI) Ethernet.
The w001 is, with this 400t, jumpererd to the right side (middle and right pin
connected). Though I've a 400t (with the L-board), there is already a 50Mhz
oscialltor chip in the socket right to the 040 one.