Subject: The XR6 Quest
To: port hp300 <port-hp300@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andreas Brusinsky <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 02/13/1997 15:22:25
I have to apologize for being a boring repeater but I would like
to know if it seems probable that there comes a X11R6 server for the 
hp300 series computer on NetBSD in the next two months?

The topic is in discussion now for say at least half a year.
At some points the server seemed quite close to be released.

Is there a mailing list to look at or follow to see if there is
still development going on. Once I read a comment of someone that it does 
not seem realistic that a R6 server for the hp300 ever will be released, 
because it does not have a high priority in the development of the
whole NetBSD operating system.

I would like to build a working environment on the hp300 computers, but
it was said that we should not relay on the 'bugous' XR5 server and
wait for the XR6 that should be released soon.

I'm not sure if I can build all the existing free X applications and 
tools with the XR5 server on the HP300 and if I had to rebuild all these
once the XR6 is released(if ever). 

	I know this sounds not pleased but I hope you do understand me
	a little bit. I also know that the work of all this is done by
	people in their spare time and that they are often busy with
	their jobs and their other life.
	Maybe I as a kind of C programmer and with a flat understanding 
	of the system can help a little bit.
	Or there could be provided a kind of list of the standard applications
	for X that should work(i.e. compile) with the XR5 server and NetBSD.

  Thanks Andreas