Subject: 'make build' on hp300, part 2.
To: None <port-hp300@NetBSD.ORG>
From: mike smith <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 04/29/1997 10:22:34
Hmm :

cc -O -I/local0/NetBSD/src/gnu/usr.bin/gcc/common
-I/local0/NetBSD/src/gnu/usr.bin/gcc/common  -Werror  -c genattrtab.c
cc: Internal compiler error: program cc1 got fatal signal 6

Not having a lot of luck building gcc either.  8(

I'll try a few other things tonight, and hopefully my net
route will be back so I can resup.

Mike Smith  *BSD hack  Unix hardware collector
The question "why are the fundamental laws of nature mathematical"
invites the trivial response "because we define as fundamental those
laws which are mathematical".  Paul Davies, _The_Mind_of_God_