Subject: Re: Salvaging a drive...
To: Nathan Gelbard <gelbard@ENGR.ORST.EDU>
From: Jochen Friedrich <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 06/07/1997 00:59:13

> >Now, I think the controllers are all basically the same, save
> >an EEPROM, or something, that holds the information for the type
> >of disk that was installed in the box... although, I'm not 100%
> >certain... (I suppose I could pull one of my 7958s apart, but you
> >already have yours open, so I'll let you look :-)  Anyhow, if you
> >can find the beast, and figure out the format, you might be able
> >to fudge it...
> The chip reads=0907957
> =09=09=0989061
> =09=09=09MR1.2 (red dot)

That must be the EEPROM. I have a 7958 and the label on the EEPROM is
07958. It would be really great if someone had a ROM listing of this
EEPROM or at least knows where to fill in the geometry of the ESDI disk.
I have one drive that stopped working some time ago and also have a 700 MB
disk left from an old MX300i.


I just installed the current binary snapshot on an 425T (using remote boot
from Linux to install on the SCSI drive) and so far it seems to work just
fine. All i noticed (but i was not able to duplicate this so far) was that
at some time the "heart beat" LED suddenly reversed its states. I mean it
was switched on all the time and switched off for two short moments
instead of vice vesa... Don=B4t know what happened, but minor glitch...
Everything else looks OK.
