Subject: Re: HP400s disks and video
To: Michael Wolfson <>
From: Nathan Gelbard <gelbard@ENGR.ORST.EDU>
List: port-hp300
Date: 07/28/1997 20:47:45
>the same time), but after a bit of experimenting, I found out that they
>will work in harmony up until 1.2.1.  The -current kernal I'm running
>doesn't recognize the HPIB drives (but it does find my 9145 tape unit). 

Intersting. There is a current snapshot which I am running on many
systems (not with your config, however) that works very well. It lives
somewhere in I believe.

>I'd also like to mention, for the record, that the A1416A board is
>recognized as a 98550A catseye board by HP-UX and that it certainly acts
>the same under both OSes.  Perhaps this should be formally accounted for
>in the kernal (instead of recognizing it only as a topcat style board). has a great list of HP serial #s and their function.
Below are the 2 cards you mentioned. I dont know the color depth on
the 1416 (I assume it's 8bit). I guess the function the same, eh?
Maybe the 1416 is 2D accelerated...(but accel not sported?)

 A1416-66571: HIGH-RESOLUTION COLOR PCB,(1280x1024),("VRX COLOR 2D"),
 98550-66573: HI-RES. COLOR VIDEO PCB,1280x1024x8 BITPLANES,(98571X)

>Also, among the goodies I got was a 98702/98705 tiger video system (the
>98702 is a DIO-II board, and the 98705 is a rackmount-sized component). 


 98705X     : P/VRX 3D GRAPHICS BOX,(REQ'S 98705-66582+98702-61601), AKA:

What does this beast do? 

Good luck,