Subject: RE: diskless client boot error
To: Stan Brown <>
From: Nathan Gelbard <gelbard@ENGR.ORST.EDU>
List: port-hp300
Date: 04/19/1998 14:59:15
>       I have gotten as far as the clinet managingto get it's IP address and
>       boot path. At this point in time it gives me an error about le(0,1,00)
>       having an unkown error. It also gives ma a message about le0 not being
>       configured.

If its got it boot path, that means bootparamd is working correctly.
Now, make sure that it is exported corectly via NFS. ie;
/       -alldirs -maproot=root -noresvport hostname

You can only use -alldirs when exporting a mountpoint (ie /).
You need alldirs because you'll be mounting something like

Make sure mountd is running with '-n'. Also make sure that the exported
directory ie (/export/client/root) is world rwx. (Hmm, this could be
dangerous. I got it to work this way, but blows file security out of the
water. You might want to play with permissions until it work right).

Also, showmount -e nfs_server to make sure everything is being exported

Hope this helps...
