Subject: Now we have NETBSD 1.3.1, but vt100 ...
To: None <port-hp300@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jose P. Leitao <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 05/26/1998 11:21:33
	Now my hp375 box is working with NetBSD 1.3.1 - some problems with network
interface and disklabel was fixed (try, error and learning!) -
	We don't have a HP terminal - we are using a PC (running a terminal
emulator HIPERTERMINAL and/or ANITA, both using vt100 mode)
	The Problem: When using <BACKSPACE> Key we can see <^H> character, but the
character is not clear.
	When loggin we type vt100, for terminal, and check the enviroment
(printenv command) and see TERM=vt100, but it's not working properly.
	Any sugestion?!

               ( o o )
   | Jose P. Leitao                               |
   | mailto:                |
   | Rio de Janeiro - RJ  - Brasil                |
   |         .oooO                                |
   |         (   )   Oooo.                        |
   +---------\ (----(   --------------------------+
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