Subject: RE: Problems getting netbooting working.
To: Mike Begley <>
From: Nathan Gelbard <gelbard@ENGR.ORST.EDU>
List: port-hp300
Date: 05/27/1998 01:24:06
> The client is able to find the server, and the two negotiate to the point
> where the NetBSD kernel is loaded on the client and starting up, and then,
> boom, I get a repetition of:
> RPC timeout for server 0xcebfb245
> and it goes no further (rather, it loops forever on that message).
Is portmap running? Try rpcinfo -p server and see if nfsd is
registered on port 2049.
> 1: I can't seem to NFS mount anything but whatever is the first line in
> /etc/mount. Everything else gets a "permission denied" error, when I
> attempt to mount it. This, of course, makes it difficult to mount the swap
> file. Currently, I have the machine attepting to boot just the root
> filesystem. Why is my NFS broken like this?
Check your /etc/exports. Mine looks like this, and I netboot a hp300
and a sparc of my i386 box.
/usr -alldirs -maproot=root -noresvport ashpool tessier 3jane
/mnt -alldirs -maproot=root -noresvport ashpool tessier 3jane
Also, make sure mountd is running with the '-n' flag so it wont
care about reserved ports (oh, did 1.1 have those?).
> 2: during boot, I get this error:
> bpf: can't add mcast addr (invalid arguement), setting promiscious mode
> bpf is being called (I presume) from rarpd, which is being started in
> netstart with no parameters.
> I'm really close here, but I can't get any further. Have people seen these
> things before? Is it all endemic to running version 1.1?
I've never seen 1.1...
Hmm, if your kernel is booting, that means rarpd and bootparamd worked
Good luck,