Subject: Re: hp380 and DIO-slots
To: None <>
From: Ray Irvine <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 12/11/1998 07:57:09
The standard configuration of the 380 is four DIO-II slots with the
frame buffer in the bottom slot, the SPU card taking the next two slots
and a free DIO-II slot at the top.

HP did make a single slot DIO-II to DIO-I that will fit in the top
slot.  I have one that came with my 380.  These are hard to find though
and it may be cheaper to buy a complete expansion chassis.  The
expansion chassis is the same size as the 380 and gives you four slots. 
They are available in DIO-I and DIO-II configurations.  There is also a
much more readily available two slot DIO-II to DIO-I adapter so you
could have two slots of each in the expander.

Hope this helps.

Ray Irvine

Jarkko Teppo wrote:
> Hello all.
> I'd like to know is it possible to convert DIO-II slots to DIO-I slots and
> if it is, how to do it ?
> I think my 380 is in a standard chassis, it looks like the one here:
> Anyway there are lots of slots, DIO-II slots are (at least) on the bottom
> part of the chassis (CPU, framebuffers) and some different (?) slots (SCSI
> card) are on the upper part.
> If it's not possible then I'll probably start looking for a hp300 with DIO-I
> slots..
> Anyway, any pointers, info, etc. appreciated.. TIA