Subject: Re: HP hardware questions
To: Rick Copeland <>
From: Michael B. Wolfson <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 03/19/1999 17:29:27
On Fri, 19 Mar 1999, Rick Copeland wrote:

>     1. How can I identify what cpu I have (318, 319, 320, 330, or 350)?

Once upon a time, Mike Hibler posted a nice description of what each model
was.  I attached that below.

>     2. What kind of cartridge does the 9144 take (is it HP specific or a standard QIC type)

HP-specific.  It looks like a QIC cart, but it's formatted backwards for
use on an HP drive.  Details at <>

>     3. What drive does the 7958 supposed to have in it (ESDI, Seagate, capacity) ?

I'm not sure what it is internally, but it is a 130 MB hard drive that
works on the HP-IB bus.  All HP Series 300/400 workstations can use this
drive.  The 7958B is slightly different, it has 152 MB.  It's supposedly
faster than the 7958.

Have fun,
  -- MW

Date: Thu, 15 Dec 94 22:16:29 -0700
From: (Mike Hibler)
Message-Id: <>
To: port-hp300@NetBSD.ORG
Subject: hp300 series HW (brain dump)

Here is the bulk of a message I sent out to CSRG back when they first got
some 300s in 1990.  Might be useful for people.  Maybe someone can update
it with the later machines...
Here is the HP9000 series as I know it (as of April 1990 that is):

1. Buses:

DIO-I:  16-bit wide, 16Mb (24-bit) address space bus which supports the bulk
        of HP's controllers: HP-IB adaptor, SCSI host adaptor, serial
        interfaces and some older graphics interfaces.

DIO-II: 32-bit wide, 4Gb (32-bit) address space bus which mostly supports
        graphics interfaces and the Human Interface Board (HIB, aka "IO card")
        which consists of LAN, fast HP-IB (or SCSI), DMA, RS232, HIL, and
        internal HP-IB.

HP-IB:  HP's implementation of IEEE 488.1.  Supports a variety of HP
        peripherals including disks, tapes, printers and plotters.  Each
        HP-IB can have up to 8 slaves.  Comes in two flavors:

        1. Slow or standard speed (aka the "internal" HPIB):
           300KB/sec (DMA) and 50KB/sec (non-DMA) max.  For
           low-bandwidth peripherals like instrument controllers
           and printers/plotters.  There is one of these (the internal
           HP-IB) on every model machine I know of plus there is
           a DIO-I card version.

        2. Fast or high speed:
           1.2MB/sec (DMA) and 50KB/sec (non-DMA) max.  For high
           speed devices like disks and tapes.  Comes as either
           a DIO-II "daughter" board or a DIO-I plug-in card.

        A single system can have one "internal", one daughter board
        and any number of DIO-I style HP-IB interfaces.

SCSI:   Single-ended sync/async SCSI-I (I think) implementation.
        Each SCSI bus can have up to 8 "slaves", 1 of which (slave 7)
        is the controller (host-adaptor) itself.  Again, there are
        two variations:

        1. DIO-II "daughter" board:
           1.5MB/sec (async) and 4.0MB/sec (sync) max.  Max of
           one such interface per machine since it is a bolt-on
           board that connects directly to the HIB.

        2. DIO-I plug-in card:
           1.5MB/sec (async) and 2.67MB/sec (sync) max.  Can have
           more than one of these depending on how many DIO slots
           there are.

VME:    VME C.1 implementation.
        Don't know much about this, even though we have a couple.  Haven't
        done any support for the interface, not even sure it needs any.
        I think Van can tell you more about the limitations of this.
        There is an expander box version with 4 VME C.1 slots or there is
        a DIO card plus VME C.1 interface card for connecting to an
        external card-cage.  HP only has one VME card product, an SNA

HIL:    Human Interface Link.  This is the "bus" that the graphical input
        devices (e.g. keyboard, mouse, knobs, tablet, buttons) sit on.
        One HIL "loop" can hold up to 7 devices.  We only support one

2. Machines (in rough order of introduction):

310:    Obsolete.  10Mhz 68010 CPU based machine, don't know what MMU.
        We have never supported these in BSD.  About 0.7 of a VAX 780 based
        on dhrystone 1.1.

320:    Obsolete.  16Mhz 68020 CPU + 16Mhz 68881 FPU + HP proprietary MMU +
        16k VAC.  Holds 1-8Mb of RAM.  Has DIO-I bus, which memory and
        all interfaces sit on.  Can add additional slots via DIO "expander"
        box.  We support these because we have lots of them.  ~1.5 x VAX 780.

350:    Obsolete.  25Mhz 68020 + 20Mhz 68881 + HP MMU + 32k VAC.
        Holds 8-48Mb of RAM.  Has DIO-II bus supporting HIB and graphics
        interface.  Additional DIO-I and DIO-II slots available via expander
        boxes.  Has private CPU/memory bus.  Software identical to 320
        except supports 32-bit DMA transfers (320 only does 8 and 16).
        Supported cuz we have em.  ~3.4 x VAX 780.

330:    Obsolete.  16Mhz 68020 + 16Mhz 68881 + ??Mhz 68851 Motorola MMU.
        Has 4Mb of RAM on CPU board.  Has DIO-II bus with two available
        slots (which can be converted to DIO slots), cannot add expander
        boxes.  Support was added long ago because U. Wisc had them and
        loaned us one.  ~1.5 x VAX 780.

319:    Obsolete.  16Mhz 68020 + 16Mhz 68881 + ??Mhz 68851 Motorola MMU.
        Low-cost, single-board version of 330.  318 is monochrome, 319
        is 6-bit color.  Non-expandable (or upgradable) in any way.  I
        think we borrowed a 318 once to make sure it worked (which it
        did since it is software-identical to 330).  ~1.5 x VAX 780.

370:    33Mhz 68030 (includes MMU) + 33Mhz 68882 FPU + 64k PAC.
        Single, CPU board upgrade of the 350, same memory.  These are our
        workhorse machines (e.g. jaguar) right now.  ~5.7 x VAX 780.

360:    25Mhz 68030 + 25Mhz 68882.
        The 68030 equivalent of the 330; i.e. semi-expandable.  Holds
        4-16Mb of RAM which is tightly coupled to the CPU (i.e. not the
        same RAM as in the 350/370).  Supported, we have one of them.
        Software-identical to 370 except no cache.  ~3.9 x VAX 780.

340:    16Mhz 68030 + 16Mhz 68882.
        Low-cost, single-board version of 360 (though with different memory).
        4-16Mb of RAM.  Has one extra DIO-II slot.  Intended primarily as
        a diskless workstation.  Supported, we have a few of these.
        Software-identical to 360.  ~2.8 x VAX 780.

332:    16Mhz 68030 + optional 16Mhz 68882.
        Upgrade to 310, don't know much about it.  Not sold in a workstation
        configuration.  1-8Mb of RAM on private bus.  Has DIO-I slots and
        accepts DIO-I expander box.  Not supported, we have never seen one.
        Wouldn't immediately work since we assume an FPU.  Should be about
        2.8 x VAX 780.

375:    50Mhz 68030 + 50Mhz 68882 + 32k PAC.
        Multi-board upgrade of 370.  8-32Mb of RAM (different than 370)
        in 8Mb increments.  Multi-board SPU includes CPU, memory, SCSI,
        DMA, LAN, RS232, HIL, slow HP-IB and Centronics parallel interfaces.
        Has two available DIO-II slots (convertable to DIO-I slots) and
        can accept expander boxes.  CPU/FPU sit on a socketed "mezzanine"
        board that can be replaced by a 68040 chip later this year.  We
        will have several of these, support has just been added.
        ~7.8 x VAX 780.

345:    50Mhz 68030 + 50Mhz 68882 + 32k PAC.
        Non-expandable version of 375.  Well, almost.  It only goes
        from 4-16Mb of RAM in 4Mb increments (the 4Mb boards can be
        used in 375s, but the 8Mb boards cannot be used in the 345s?)
        Not upgradable to 68040.  ~7.8 x VAX 780.

380(?): 25Mhz 68040 (includes FPU and MMU) + 32k PAC.
        Guessing here, don't know what it will be called or whether it
        will have a cache.  375 Upgrade is supposed to be available at
        no more than $2000 but is not yet on the price list.  Would hope
        that they will introduce higher capacity memory boards, 32mb
        (4 x 8mb modules) is not very much for their high-end 68k box.
        Of course, only Donald Trump could afford to buy more than a
        Mb or two anyway...

3. Kernel config "cpu" types (ifdefs):

310 and 332 are not supported.

HP320:  Includes HP MMU, old 16-bit only DMA, VAC support.
HP330:  Motorola 68851 MMU support.
HP350:  Always together with 320 except with newer 32-bit DMA support.
HP360:  Together with 330 for MMU support (68030 MMU is subset of 68851),
        also some kludgy support for DIO-II graphics display.
HP370:  Always together with 360 except for additional PAC support.

HP330 should be defined for 318/319 support.
HP370 should be defined for 345/375 support.

        318 - 16MHz 68020 + 68851 MMU + mono framebuffer

        319 - a 318 s/mono/color/

        330 - a 319 in a "regular" DIO/DIO-II case