Subject: Re: modem
To: Stefan Schaeckeler <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 08/23/1999 14:11:38
On Mon, 23 Aug 1999, Stefan Schaeckeler wrote:

> hi
> i would like to run a modem with my hp345. it's a 33600baud modem.
> but somehow i can run it only at 2400baud. that's even too slow for
> email.
> when i enter a "higher" speed for pppd (like 33600 or 28800 or so),
> i get a 
> Aug 23 17:04:53 phoenix pppd[534]: pppd 2.3.0 started by root, uid 0
> Aug 23 17:04:54 phoenix pppd[534]: tcsetattr: Invalid argument
> i just get the "invalid argument" error when i play around with
> with the speed option (now pppd dosn't connect).
> so, what speeds are allowed?
> is there a limitation due to the serial port?
	You will probably only be able to pick one of a fixed set
	of speeds: 2400, 4800, 9600, (maybe) 19200, 38400
	It would be a limitation of the serial chip.

> 19800 doesn't raise an error, and i get connected, but it is approx.
> as slow as 2400baud.
	Hmm - ow :(


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