Subject: Re: intro..
To: NetBSD/hp700 <>
From: Iggy Drougge <>
List: port-hp700
Date: 06/09/2002 01:16:32
Jochen Kunz skrev:

>On 2002.06.09 03:33 Iggy Drougge wrote:

>> If found one at the poly, but someone had stolen all the RAM. Does it
>> require parity, ECC or something esoteric like that?
>It needs very special HP RAM. It looks like PS/2 parity/ECC RAM, but it
>has a different pinout than PS/2 modules.

Bloody shite. That means that my 712 will never be resurrected and that
someone out there is running around with SIMMs which will never do him any

En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.