Subject: Re: HP 9000 Model D330 working?
To: Christian Hattemer <>
From: Chuck Silvers <>
List: port-hp700
Date: 06/05/2005 12:29:49
On Thu, Jun 02, 2005 at 04:16:22PM +0200, Christian Hattemer wrote:
> BTW: I use some HP tty (Model No. unknown) found in a cabinet as the
> console. IIRC it has a german layout. I couldn't see a key marked with the
> pipe bar, where is it?

no idea... it may not have one.

> Also when I select S on the above prompt there's all the text that was
> printed before which gets overwritten but the new output. Since there was
> no clear(1) and ^L didn't work I kept on pressing return until a clean area
> appeared to make the new output readable. Any other quick way to clear the
> screen?

most likely the terminal type of that terminal is not one that the
install image knows about.  typically the image bits only know a few types,
mostly centered around vt100.

thanks for the dmesg.
