Subject: Re: very cool.
To: IWAMOTO Toshihiro <>
From: Herb Peyerl <>
List: port-hpcarm
Date: 07/19/2001 09:00:05
IWAMOTO Toshihiro <> wrote:
> The's code
> says "/" is keycode 120.
> As I don't have a US model, could you try something like
> $ wsconsctl -w "map+=keycode 120=slash question"
> and tell me how the keymap should be?
that works correctly now.
So shall I check this in:
RCS file: /cvsroot/syssrc/sys/arch/hpcarm/dev/j720kbdmap.c,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -c -r1.1 j720kbdmap.c
*** j720kbdmap.c 2001/06/23 09:20:05 1.1
--- j720kbdmap.c 2001/07/19 14:57:42
*** 95,101 ****
KC(71), KS_m,
KC(72), KS_comma, KS_less,
KC(73), KS_period, KS_greater,
- KC(74), KS_slash, KS_question,
KC(76), KS_Return,
KC(81), KS_Tab,
KC(83), KS_Shift_L,
--- 95,100 ----
*** 105,110 ****
--- 104,110 ----
KC(113), KS_Meta_L,
KC(114), KS_Cmd1, KS_Control_L,
KC(116), KS_space,
+ KC(120), KS_slash, KS_question,
KC(121), KS_Cmd_ResetEmul, KS_Delete,
/* below are guesses from Japanese model key layout */
> If you find difficulty finding right keycodes, I'll build a debug
> kernel with printfs in sys/arch/hpcarm/dev/j720ssp.c.
Thanks for the tip. I'll play with the other few missing keycodes.
> > 3) is there any way to avoid having to pull the battery to reboot and have to
> > recalibrate your stylus every time? The wonder and joy of that experience is
> > beginning to wane somewhat.
> I tried to resolve this problem by zeroing the whole RAM with no
> success. I suppose some hardware tweaking before reboot is necessary.
> But good news is that you can skip the calibration and boot without
> using the stylus by setting "Auto boot" in hpcarm option tab. ;-)
oh. that's a good workaround. thanks.
> > 5) is the audio on the jornada hooked up to the MCP or is there a seperate
> > audio device?
> says there is a UDA1341 attached to SA1111's audio
> interface. But audio driver has very low priority in my TODO list.
I was cruising around but I didn't find much jornada specific
info. just a lot of iPaq stuff and I didn't know how similar the two devices
were wired...
I wasn't suggesting to make it a high priority project. I just thought I'd
play with it in my spare time.