Subject: Re: current jornada 720
To: None <>
From: Martin Cernohorsky <>
List: port-hpcarm
Date: 02/27/2002 12:16:53
On Feb 26, 22:40, Todd Vierling wrote:
> [...]
> Instead, the Jornada 720 has masked ROM -- when it boots, you get WinCE,
> like it or not. If the WinCE datastore has been wiped, the machine will
> then proceed to require a recalibration of the touchscreen, setting the
> clock, etc., just to be able to get back to WinCE so that you can run
> hpcboot.exe again.
Maybe I'm asking stupid question, but cannot the ROM in 720 be replaced
by another (P)ROM that boots NetBSD?
Martin Cernohorsky
Institute of Computer Science
Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic