Subject: Re: NetBSD on HP Jornada 710
To: None <>
From: Rafael Diniz <>
List: port-hpcarm
Date: 11/17/2003 23:22:24
Em Seg 17 Nov 2003 14:49, Jason Mitchell escreveu:
> Rafael,
> Check out:
> I don't know that I ever wrote up instructions for the newest install
> image, but it should be just a vew steps.
> 1) Create a small DOS partition on your CF (5 Mb should be fine).
> 2) Copy JINSTALL.gz hpcboot.exe hpcboot.cnf to this partition.
> 3) Put the CF in your Jornada.
> 4) Run hcpboot.exe
> 5) This will launch the NetBSD kernel and run sysinst (that's the same
> install program you used on your i386). Your Jornada will need to have
> access to the files on the ftp site. You can either make your
> DOS partition bigger and store them there or put a network card in your
> Jornada and sysinst will download them.
Thanks! No problem here.
> 6) After you finish with the automated install you'll need to get a regul=
> kernel (the installation kernel has a ramdisk which it boots from). There=
> one on my site and there are later kernels that others have compiled. Che=
> the list archives.
Whats your site?
is OK?
Rafael Diniz
> Let us know how it goes,
> Jason M.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:
> > []On Behalf Of Rafael Diniz
> > Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2003 10:34 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: NetBSD on HP Jornada 710
> >
> >
> > Hello all,
> > I bought a Jornada 710, a 512MB CF and a USB CF writer, and I'm
> > wondering how
> > to put NetBSD on it.
> > Is there any working precompiled packages for it?
> > I installed NetBSD 1.6ZE (-current) on my i386 PC, but I don't
> > know how put
> > compile the entire system for the litle machine.
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