Subject: wrong keyborad layout
To: Rafael Diniz <,>
From: Emmanuel Dreyfus <>
List: port-hpcarm
Date: 12/09/2003 16:18:29
[keyboards problem]
You'll have to patch your kernel to fix that. The file with the layout
is here:

There is a base US keayboard, and diffs from US keyboard to other
keyboards. I did the french one some time ago, it's not very difficult.

Alternatively you might be able to use wsconsctl to alter the keymap at

> What's the time life of a CF? (using a lot every day)

IIRC, a few thousands of writes. Avoid building directly on the CF, use
NFS mounts from another machine. Also don't use the CF as swap, you'll
kill it quite fast. 

> Another thing, is there any sound support for Jornada?

Not yet, but feel free to work on it, I'd be delighted to use mine as a
portable MP3 player.

Emmanuel Dreyfus
Il y a 10 sortes de personnes dans le monde: ceux qui comprennent 
le binaire et ceux qui ne le comprennent pas.