Subject: Ipaq 3835
To: None <>
From: Bill Collins <>
List: port-hpcarm
Date: 05/12/2005 15:38:30
Kernel boots, wd device appears, but driver fails to service interupts for
the root device. Anyone have a clue:
FileManager: FAT
hpcboot build number: 12
Compaq iPAQ H3600 (cpu=0x0c108000 machine=0x01c40201)
[progress] 2
[0] 0xc0000000 size 0x08000000
[1] 0xc8000000 size 0x08000000
[2] 0xd0000000 size 0x08000000
[3] 0xd8000000 size 0x08000000
_WIN32_WCE = 211
Windows CE 3.0
wProcessorArchitecture 0x5
wProcessorLevel 0x4
wProcessorRevision 0x9
dwPageSize 0x1000
dwAllocationGranularity 0x00010000
dwProcessorType 0xa11
Display: 240x320 16bpp
Reg0 :6901b119
Reg1 :c00c327f
Reg2 :c00c327f
Reg3 :00000001
Reg5 :c00c3007
Reg6 :00023554
CPSR :600000df
[progress] 3
[progress] 4
open file "\Storage Card2\netbsd.gz"(1178946 byte).
[progress] 5
Loader: ELF
[progress] 6
file size: +0x201b28+0x88f4+[(symbol block: header 800 symbol 138896 string 116116 byte) = 0x3e744] = 0x249744 byte
address translation table 608 pages.(4864 byte)
allocated 608 page. mapped 608 page.
[progress] 7
2nd bootloader vaddr=0x0037f000 paddr=0xc3b78000
2nd bootloader copy done.
[progress] 8
[0] vaddr 0xc0040000 file size 0x201b28 mem size 0x201b28
->load 0xc0040000+0x00201b28=0xc0241b28 ofs=0x00008000+0x201b28
[1] vaddr 0xc0249b28 file size 0x88f4 mem size 0x50d1c
->load 0xc0249b28+0x00050d1c=0xc029a844 ofs=0x00209b28+0x88f4
[zero clear] ->0xc025241c+0x00048428=0xc029a844
->load 0xc029a844+0x00000320=0xc029ab64
->load 0xc029ab64+0x00021e90=0xc02bc9f4 ofs=0x0021d564+0x21e90
->load 0xc02bc9f4+0x0001c594=0xc02d8f88 ofs=0x0023f3f4+0x1c594
[progress] 9
load link 590 zero clear link 1.
kernel entry address: 0xc0040000
framebuffer: 240x320 type=5 linebytes=0 addr=0x00000000
console = 2
[progress] 10
kernsize=0x2a0000 (including 0x3e744 symbols)
Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004
The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
NetBSD 2.0 (IPAQ) #0: Wed Dec 1 09:08:57 UTC 2004
total memory = 32768 KB
avail memory = 28480 KB
mainbus0 (root)
cpu0 at mainbus0: SA-1110 step B-5 (SA-1 core)
cpu0: DC disabled IC disabled WB disabled EABT
cpu0: 16KB/32B 32-way Instruction cache
cpu0: 8KB/32B 32-way write-back Data cache
saip0 at mainbus0
saost0 at saip0 addr 0x90000000-0x9000001f
saost0: SA-11x0 OS Timer
sacom0 at saip0 addr 0xd000d000-0xd000d023 intr 17
sacom0: unknown SA11x0 UART
sacom0: console
ipaqbus0 at saip0
ipaqpcic0 at ipaqbus0
pcmcia0 at ipaqpcic0
pcmcia1 at ipaqpcic0
ipl_bio=00320000 ipl_net=00020000 ipl_tty=00020000 ipl_vm=00020000
ipl_audio=00020000 ipl_imp=00020000 ipl_high=00020000 ipl_serial=00020000
clock: hz=100 stathz = 64
ipaqpcic0: card present
wdc0 at pcmcia0 function 0
atabus0 at wdc0 channel 0
wd0 at atabus0 drive 0wdc0:0:0: lost interrupt
type: ata tc_bcount: 512 tc_skip: 0
: <SanDisk SDCFB-1024>
wd0: drive supports 1-sector PIO transfers, LBA addressing
wd0: 977 MB, 1986 cyl, 16 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 2001888 sectors
wdc0:0:0: lost interrupt
type: ata tc_bcount: 512 tc_skip: 0
wdc0:0:0: lost interrupt
type: ata tc_bcount: 512 tc_skip: 0
wd0: drive supports PIO mode 4
boot device: wd0
root on wd0a dumps on wd0b
wdc0:0:0: lost interrupt
type: ata tc_bcount: 512 tc_skip: 0
wd0d: device timeout reading fsbn 0 (wd0 bn 0; cn 0 tn 0 sn 0), retrying