Subject: Jornada 720 keyboard setup for X windows
To: NetBSD Mailing List <>
From: Geoffrey Ferrari <>
List: port-hpcarm
Date: 05/14/2005 15:05:58
Hi there,
Here are some basic instructions for beginners (like me!) on how to
set up the Jornada 720's US/UK keyboard to work properly under Xhpc
(the HPCARM version of Xwindows).
The basic idea is that you need a file which instructs X how to
understand your keyboard. For more details on how it works google for
info on some of the following: xmodmap, xev, keysyms
I've cobbled together my own version of the required file (from bits
and pieces on this list, plus my own tweaks), and it's included
below. The easiest way I've found to use the file is to copy the text
below (yes, just copy it as plain text) into a file called .Xmodmap
(note the uppercase X) in the directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit so
that you end up with the file /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/.Xmodmap
In that same directory, you should find the file xinitrc. It's this
file which will load your .Xmodmap file when you start X.
The benefits of this keyboard map are that all the keys bar one (the
key for Caps Lock - who cares?) work at their face value. On my
keyboard, for example, the tilde character ~ is printed in yellow as
the third character on the key for number 1 and exclamation. This
indicates that it should be accessed by pressing Function + 1. If you
use the keymap below, that's the way your keyboard will work. (And
similarly for the left/right bracket and left/right brace characters,
the shift keys, the arrow keys, the various symbols on the number
keys, and so on).
As I say, the only one I haven't worked out how to do is the caps
lock key. This ought to be accessed by Function + Left Shift. For the
time being, It is mapped to the windows key. Once you know what
you're doing, feel free to change this. If I work out how to get
Function + Left Shift working I'll try to remember to post back the
updated keymap.
Anyway, enough talk. Here's the text that you need to copy into
your .Xmodmap file. No doubt it's not perfect, but it's pretty close
and a good start. It makes using X on your Jornada a much nicer
PS I'd like to know if anyone found this file useful. Please post
back to the mailing list <> if you did.
<Copy and paste the text below in your .Xmodmap file>
keycode 8 =
keycode 9 = Escape
keycode 10 = F1 F11
keycode 11 = F2 F12
keycode 12 = F3 F13
keycode 13 = F4 F14
keycode 14 = F5 F15
keycode 15 = F6 F16
keycode 16 = F7 F17
keycode 17 = F8 F18
keycode 18 = F9 F19
keycode 19 = F10 F20
keycode 20 = F11
keycode 21 =
keycode 22 =
keycode 23 =
keycode 24 =
keycode 25 = 1 exclam asciitilde
keycode 26 = 2 at quoteleft
keycode 27 = 3 numbersign sterling
keycode 28 = 4 dollar
keycode 29 = 5 percent
keycode 30 = 6 asciicircum
keycode 31 = 7 ampersand
keycode 32 = 8 asterisk
keycode 33 = 9 parenleft
keycode 34 = 0 parenright
keycode 35 = minus underscore
keycode 36 = equal plus
keycode 37 =
keycode 38 =
keycode 39 =
keycode 40 =
keycode 41 = q Q
keycode 42 = w W
keycode 43 = e E
keycode 44 = r R
keycode 45 = t T
keycode 46 = y Y
keycode 47 = u U
keycode 48 = i I
keycode 49 = o O
keycode 50 = p P braceleft
keycode 51 = backslash bar braceright
keycode 52 = BackSpace
keycode 53 =
keycode 54 =
keycode 55 =
keycode 56 =
keycode 57 = a A
keycode 58 = s S
keycode 59 = d D
keycode 60 = f F
keycode 61 = g G
keycode 62 = h H
keycode 63 = j J
keycode 64 = k K
keycode 65 = l L
keycode 66 = semicolon colon bracketleft
keycode 67 =
keycode 68 = backslash
keycode 69 =
keycode 70 =
keycode 71 =
keycode 72 =
keycode 73 = z Z
keycode 74 = x X
keycode 75 = c C
keycode 76 = v V
keycode 77 = b B
keycode 78 = n N
keycode 79 = m M
keycode 80 = comma less
keycode 81 = period greater
keycode 82 = slash question
keycode 83 = apostrophe quotedbl bracketright
keycode 84 = Return
keycode 85 =
keycode 86 =
keycode 87 =
keycode 88 =
keycode 89 = Tab ISO_Left_Tab
keycode 90 =
keycode 91 = Shift_L
keycode 92 =
keycode 93 =
keycode 94 =
keycode 95 =
keycode 96 =
keycode 97 =
keycode 98 = Up
keycode 99 =
keycode 100 = Shift_R
keycode 101 =
keycode 102 =
keycode 103 =
keycode 104 =
keycode 105 =
keycode 106 =
keycode 107 =
keycode 108 =
keycode 109 = Alt_L Meta_L
keycode 110 = Mode_switch
keycode 111 =
keycode 112 =
keycode 113 = Left
keycode 114 = Down
keycode 115 = Right
keycode 116 =
keycode 117 =
keycode 118 =
keycode 119 =
keycode 120 =
keycode 121 = Caps_Lock
keycode 122 = Control_L
keycode 123 =
keycode 124 = space
keycode 125 =
keycode 126 =
keycode 127 =
keycode 128 = slash question
keycode 129 = Delete
keycode 130 =
keycode 131 =
keycode 132 =
keycode 133 =
keycode 134 =
keycode 135 =
clear shift
clear lock
clear control
clear mod1
clear mod2
clear mod3
clear mod4
add shift = Shift_L Shift_R
add lock = Caps_Lock
add control = Control_L
add mod1 = Mode_switch