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Re: Error trying to build userland for Jornada 728


There's a problem with the Jornada booting kernels bigger than 3.7Mbytes. My assumption is that it's related to the internals of the Jornada and that there's no easy fix (otherwise it would have been fixed by now), but no one has confirmed this. The other possibility is that it's a problem with the arm version of hpcboot.exe.

So you need to recompile a hpcarm kernel with a few less options, then everything should boot.

Jason M.

J. Vicente Carrasco -Bixen- wrote:
Klaus Heinz(e)k dio:
J. Vicente Carrasco -Bixen-  wrote:

I've been lurking in current-users archive, but I'm not sure what I'm looking for. In fact, an error in something with a name like "/usr/src/sys/kern/sys_generic.c" must be so big that has an "HEADS-UP" on it, or any silly thing that stops a guy that, like me, can't read C code.

#      link  cd9660fs/cd9660fs

If you look again into the archive of current-users you will see some
messages from 2008-03-22/23 with subject

  "Build error - cd9660fs (problem in librump?)"

which describe the same error you have. I suppose this will be fixed soon.

Fixed :-)

I've build the distribution and I have it in the CF. So, I did put the hpcboot.exe and netbsd files in the MSDOS filesystem and installed the distribution in the ffs one.

I think that the boot process gets freezed, a minute wating with no interaction with the machine (from keyboard or pencil) is enough.

This is the content of my last bootlog.txt file, but I've tried with "HP Jornada 720 [(European)|(US/UK)|(Spanish)] and just the same.

Thank you very much for your time.

[progress] 0
[progress] 1
ARM architecture.
MemoryManager: LockPages
FileManager: FAT
hpcboot build number: 14
HP Jornada 720 (Japanese) (cpu=0x0c108000 machine=0x02c20202)
[progress] 2
[0] 0xc0000000 size 0x08000000
[1] 0xc8000000 size 0x08000000
[2] 0xd0000000 size 0x08000000
[3] 0xd8000000 size 0x08000000
_WIN32_WCE = 211
Windows CE 3.0
wProcessorArchitecture      0x5
wProcessorLevel             0x4
wProcessorRevision          0x9
dwPageSize                  0x1000
dwAllocationGranularity     0x00010000
dwProcessorType             0xa11
Display: 640x240 16bpp
Reg0 :6901b119
Reg1 :c002327f
Reg2 :c002327f
Reg3 :00000001
Reg5 :c0023007
Reg6 :01f90008
CPSR :2000001f
[progress] 3
[progress] 4
open file "\Storage Card\netbsd"(3858664 byte).
[progress] 5
Loader: ELF
[progress] 6
file size: 0x2ec3ec+0xc114+[ksyms: header 0x5d0, symtab 0x5e850, strtab 0x32418 = 0x91238]+[extra: 0x4fb0] = 0x3901e8 bytes
address translation table 928 pages. (0x1d00 bytes)
allocated 928 page. mapped 928 page.
[progress] 7
2nd bootloader vaddr=0x0043f000 paddr=0xc3d05000
2nd bootloader copy done.
[progress] 8
seg[0] vaddr 0xc0040000 file size 0x2ec3ec mem size 0x2ec3ec
    ->load 0xc0040000+0x002ec3ec=0xc032c3ec ofs=0x00008000+0x2ec3ec
seg[1] vaddr 0xc0334400 file size 0xc114 mem size 0x76c80
    ->load 0xc0334400+0x00076c80=0xc03ab080 ofs=0x002f4400+0xc114
    ->zero 0xc0340514+0x0006ab6c=0xc03ab080
    ->load 0xc03ab080+0x000005d0=0xc03ab650
    ->load 0xc03ab650+0x0005e850=0xc0409ea0 ofs=0x0031d480+0x5e850
    ->load 0xc0409ea0+0x00032418=0xc043c2b8 ofs=0x0037bcd0+0x32418
[progress] 9
load link 912, zero clear link 1
kernel entry address: 0xc0040000
framebuffer: 640x240 type=5 linebytes=1280 addr=0x48200000
console = 1
[progress] 10

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