Subject: Re: Need help
To: Terry Mathews <>
From: Todd Whitesel <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 04/21/2000 19:10:18
> closest thing I could find was creating an entry in the /etc/disktab and
> using disklabel. Is it really that difficult??
Most NetBSD users either have already memorized the arcane commands,
or they abuse the 'sysinst' program to get the job done. This is still
pretty lame IMHO, and I have identified other advantages to taking the
sysinst disk setup code and splitting it out into its own utility, which
I think is the correct solution here. In the meantime however:
Boot up sysinst. Tell it you want to install on wd1 and use the whole disk.
Pick "custom" parititon layout, and type in the full sector count so it
uses the whole disk for /. Proceed and select "full distribution", "do not
show filenames", and then pick "none" for media. That puts you back to the
main menu and your disk is all set up. Exit out, and:
mount /dev/wd1a /mnt
(cd /usr ; tar cf - .) | (cd /mnt ; tar xBpf -)
umount /mnt
mv /usr /usr.old
mkdir /usr
mount /dev/wd1a /usr
I recommend _against_ "cp -pr" because that does not preserve everything
that the tar|tar method does. With modern /usr contents it is probably
not a real issue anymore, but (for me at least) old habits die hard.
(Really, nowadays when I want to do this, I install rsync and use rsync -a).
Todd Whitesel
toddpw @