Subject: RE: Stoopid Newbie Question
To: None <>
From: David Cowan <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 03/20/2001 16:06:42
Thanks all... now I have it. Downloading the files now.
-----Original Message-----
From: David Cowan []
Sent: 20 March 2001 15:50
Subject: Stoopid Newbie Question
Being relatively new to this BSD on a PDA thing, I thought I would try to
install it to my beloved IBM Z-50.
The trouble at the moment seems to be finding a distribution. All the web
pages refer to a directory called "snapshot" in the NetBSD/arch/hpcmips
hierarchy, but all the mirrors I have tried seem to be empty. Is there a
new distribution being readied ? Am I missing something ?
I tried the NetBSD stuff about 6 months ago, and it showed real promise, but
the version I tried did not have a functioning version of X-Free and, worse
still, could not go into suspend mode (the screen would stay on). Can anyone
tell me if this has been fixed yet.
Many thanks
David Cowan, B.Sc..
Tools Development Manager.
c/o Visual Sciences Ltd.
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