Subject: Re: native browser
To: None <>
From: Bernd Sieker <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 04/09/2002 08:37:47
On 09.04.02, 00:34:29, josh wrote:
> Robert Brown wrote...
> > Has anyone built a small native graphical web browser for hpcmips/NetBSD? 
> > I was looking at dillo, but it's GTK based and I'm having a bitch of a 
> > time getting GTK and its related tools built in 512mb of space. And no, I 
> > don't have a spare NFS partition lying around the network to use, either 
> I have a prebuilt copy of dillo for hpcmips, dillo-0.6.4
> It's on Andrews' z50 page.
> or here:
> -rw-r--r--  1 dorqus  users  883959 Feb  4 22:21 dillo.tar.gz

Beware that this binary is _huge_. It can be "strip"ped to a
reasonable size, if you don't want to debug it.

> It contains the dillo binary, and a dillorc file, which you should
> put into ~/.dillo/dillorc

I have made a "regular" binary package of dillo, built against the
latest png (png version numbering and downwards-compatibility is
horrible), there is a problem with the above-mentioned dillo binary
when you have a too new version of png installed. Even symlinking old
library versions won't work.

My dillo package is available at:

Here are the exact dependencies:
  dillo-0.6.4nb1 requires installed package gettext-lib-0.10.35nb1
  dillo-0.6.4nb1 requires installed package glib-1.2.10
  dillo-0.6.4nb1 requires installed package gtk+-1.2.10
  dillo-0.6.4nb1 requires installed package jpeg-6b
  dillo-0.6.4nb1 requires installed package png-1.2.1
  dillo-0.6.4nb1 requires installed package pth-1.4.0

I'd recommend installing gtk from a binary package, it's available at ,
since gtk needs perl (about 40MB installed) to build, but not to run.

Have fun. Although dillo does not display frame, and does not handle
JavaScript or Cookies (which I consider a feature rather than a
short-coming), I highly recommend it. It uses small fonts, is fast and
runs very well with only 16 MB.

I also routinely delete all my man pages on the z50. Programs I
install there I usually know how to use. Can free up several MB, and
I also reduce the reserved space on the filesystems to, say, 2%
(tunefs -m 2 -o space /dev/rwd0a). You must do this in single-user
mode and the filesystem being tuned must not be mounted rw. Reboot
after using tunefs.

> enjoy.
> --
> josh



Bernd Sieker

NetBSD: The Worlds Most Portable Operating System