Subject: Re: ne2k pcmcia cards for Wince 2.2
To: Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom <>
From: billy ball <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 04/09/2002 18:43:42
On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote:
> didn't steal the dongle lying there (maybe they didn't recognize it as such,
heck, the dongle is worth more than the card! :-)
> since it was too big & ugly); and they obviously opened my z50 and looked at
> it, but left it. maybe they recognized it as a wince device, and left it
> because of that.
ah, what the idiot didn't know...
> hmmm, looks like $127 at this place:
hmmm... got mine for $60 (new, in shrink-wrap) on ebay, and it came with
the PCMCIA adapter...
> any other suggestions?
a serial I/O card, null-modem cable and a 115200-baud PPP connection to
another computer?
of course, there's always 'sneaker-net,' but i get tired of running up and
down the stairs carrying a flash card just to transfer files...
> Carl.