Subject: Re: dead computer
To: None <>
From: M. Warner Losh <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 04/18/2002 16:11:22
You forgot the part of about how MSFT crippled WinCE so it wouldn't
canibalize the low end of their Win{95,98,ME,XP} markets.  That's why
CF flash cards will work, but many PCMCIA disks won't.  that's why
there's no docking stations for wince machines that allow you to plug
in real keyboards, etc.  The machines are adjuncts to MSFT's cash
cows, not something that will be a cash cow itself.

One of the cool things about my Casio BE-300 is flashed based and lets
me remove the bogus parts of what would normally be in pure ROM.  I'm
hoping to use that to install a boot loader onto the device itself and
eventually the kernel as well so that I don't have to have a DOS
partition on my CF cards.
