Subject: FS: Compaq 2010c
To: None <>
From: Vicki Brown <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 05/23/2002 21:46:00
I have a Compaq 2010C  PDA 20MB RAM, 640x240 LCD w/ 33.6 built-in modem that
I bought to run NetBSD -- but other things have come my way and my plans have
changed for this platform.

It's got the cradle and the A/C and includes a SanDisk 128MB SmartMedia Flash
Card. However I cannot locate the manual and I don't have the Windows CE
The web docs all claim I can run NetBSD on this... I just never got that far.

I paid $239 for the Compaq and $89 for the flash card; I'd like to realize at
least $100 back for the bundle... I have no idea what the Compaq is worth but
the flash card is brand new.  Unfortunately, my chances of selling this on
eBay or are probably a lot lower given that I can't locate either
the manual or the's not much good for WinCE without those.
However, it's perfectly good for NetBSD without either, I should think.

If anyone is interested in a Compaq 2010c w/ 148 MB RAM or knows someone who
might be, please contact me offlist. Feel free to forward this note or
mention this at a NetBSD users group.

- Vicki

Vicki Brown     ZZZ                  Journeyman Sourceror:
P.O. Box 1269      zz  |\     _,,,---,,_        Scripts & Philtres
San Bruno, CA       zz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_     Perl, Unix, MacOS
94066     USA         |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-'  '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)