Subject: Re: A couple of z50 questions
To: Christopher Richmond <>
From: billy ball <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 09/06/2002 12:03:13
On Thu, 5 Sep 2002, Christopher Richmond wrote:
> I wrote a script which continually read in
> and wrote out a file to disk. The system
> ran for about 4 hours before the battery
> died. I suppose using the disk so much
> may have been what caused the system
> to quit after 4 hours. Does anyone have
> any comments about this? I'm wondering
> if my battery may need to be replaced.
single battery or the dual-LiIon? if single, then that's about right...
> 2) Suspend mode battery life.
> If I suspend the system while running
> NetBSD with a full battery and leave the
> system alone for around 12 hours, the battery
> is down to around 31%. If I suspend the
> system while running Windows CE and
> leave it for the same amount of time, the
> system is only down to around 97%.
IIRC, the LCD is suspended... i've noticed that PCMCIA is also suspended,
but CPU still runs?
> Am I missing something on the suspend
> mode under NetBSD or should I shutdown
> NetBSD and suspend under Windows CE?
that's one approach, but never use CE as it makes me 'wince'...