Subject: Re: Unable to boot latest snapshot with Microdrive
To: None <>
From: Takao Shinohara <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 09/16/2002 17:22:31
David Krause <> writes:
> I am unable to boot the latest snapshot from the following URLs:
> The snapshot from the naobsd site works fine however.
> I have a IBM Workpad Z50 with 340 MB Microdrive and it gives the
> following errors. It looks like it is not waiting long enough before
> trying to mount the root. Naoki's kernel outputs "pcmcia1: card irq 3"
> four times before trying to mount. Does anybody else have this problem?
Attached patch (against 1.6 souce) seems to 'fix' the problem.
But I am not sure this is the right way.
--- Takao Shinohara
Index: i82365.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/syssrc/sys/dev/ic/i82365.c,v
retrieving revision 1.65
diff -u -C8 -r1.65 i82365.c
*** i82365.c 2001/12/15 13:23:21 1.65
--- i82365.c 2002/09/16 08:13:38
*** 1498,1513 ****
--- 1498,1514 ----
st_pcic_read(h, idx)
struct pcic_handle *h;
int idx;
if (idx != -1)
bus_space_write_1(h->ph_bus_t, h->ph_bus_h, PCIC_REG_INDEX,
h->sock + idx);
+ delay(1);
return (bus_space_read_1(h->ph_bus_t, h->ph_bus_h, PCIC_REG_DATA));
static void
st_pcic_write(h, idx, data)
struct pcic_handle *h;
int idx;
u_int8_t data;