Subject: NetBSD 1.6 on IBM WorkPad z50
To: None <>
From: Kazuya Togashi <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 12/19/2002 02:43:34
Hi all,
About a week ago I joined this mailing list but received no messeages so
far, so I decided to post a message myself. I think this is actually my
fist post... Pardon me if I do/say anything wrong, please.
I am using NetBSD 1.6 on z50 with a 340mb microdrive and a DWL-650
wireless pc card. It's been two weeks so far and having a lot of fun
with it. I really appreciate people working on this project. Thank you
all very much!
Although I am very happy using NetBSD on z50, I do have some issues:
- sometimes LCD does not suspend even with kernel lcd control on
- system clock screwed up after a few reboots/suspends
- DWL-650 won't be recognized under X (I have to go back to console to
detach and insert DWL-650 so that the sytem recognizes it. Then, start X
I am wondering if these issues are known issues using NetBSD 1.5 or 1.6
on z50. Any suggestions and information would be appreciated.