Subject: Re: Trouble installing on IBM z50
To: None <>
From: Miles Nordin <carton@Ivy.NET>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 02/03/2003 19:53:03
>>>>> "fc" == Florian Cramer <> writes:
fc> campus intranet
ha ha campus intranet.
Your problem sounds sort of like the old pppoe curse, where
incompetent fascists were filtering out all ICMP without understanding
ICMP's various purposes---it was not invented solely to allow hackers
to break into machines. Their hip-shooting filters were breaking path
MTU discovery all over the Internet and causing weird problems like
what you describe. Make sure you are trying the NetBSD and Linux
machines from the same Ethernet jack, or better yet make sure that one
of your tests involves an FTP session between the NetBSD machine and
some other machine on the same subnet that you can reach without
crossing any kind of firewall (or ``just a packet filter'' as they're
now calling what used to be called a fucking firewall), or transparent
bridging firewall or force-cacheing logging virus-blocker appliance or
other tool of MIS oppression.
It's probably like the other people said a NetBSD bug, but since you
have an ``intranet'' now it's a good idea to check for MIS damage. I
know in Colorado we had some OpenBSD guys on the CSOps staff who were
single-handedly responsible for the most ridiculously fascist firewall
I have ever seen inside or outside academia. (it also had this really
cool proxy for telnet and X11 though.)
But if you're near one of our centers, you can either provide a sample
at home in a clean container and bring it in to our offices within two
or three hours. Or you can come in and use one of our masturbatoriums.
-- Dr. Cappy Rothman