Subject: Re: Doubts on versions 1,5, 1.6.
To: JJ Bonilla <>
From: KT <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 02/06/2003 12:48:25
I used to be using mispel 1.6 packages for my z50 running hpcmips 1.6 
kernel, and they worked fine. (I didn't try abiword, though.)


JJ Bonilla wrote:
> Hi, I finish installing NetBSD 1,6 in a Mobilepro 780, watching packages 
> available in other previous versions  and I see that they are all compiled 
> for version 1.5. but not for 1.6.
> I can install version 1.5.3 and use the compiled packages of the 1,5 or must 
> install the 1,5? ... I do not know if libraries are compatible. 
> He is better to follow with the 1,6 and to compile what needs (wm, dillo, 
> abiword mc, etc...) ?
> Thanks. 