Subject: Panic on suspend
To: None <>
From: Markus Hennecke <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 02/19/2004 13:02:34

I am having trouble debugging a panic happening after a suspend request.
This is a new system based on a VR4121.

I am booting the system via serial console and after pressing the power
button this is the output:

hpcapm: suspend req
hpcapm: set power state SUSPEND...
panic: TLB out of universe: ksp 0xc300fec0 epc 0x801a9ce4 vaddr 
Stopped in pid 6.1 (apmdev0) at 0x8016ab74:     jr      ra
                bdslot: nop

Here is the backtrace, I filled in the addresses I found with "nm
/netbsd". Unfortunately I had no luck in loading the debug symbols with
hpcboot.  If I compile in support for KGDB the symbols are loaded, but
this does not help me with ddb. Perhaps someone can give me a hint at
what I am doing wrong.

cpu_Debugger+4 (82ffe000,ac000000,5,8) ra 80102bb8 sz 0
panic+108 (82ffe000,d,5,8) ra 801a9ce4 sz 40
801a9bdc+108 (82ffe000,d,5,8) ra 801a849c sz 32
801a83f8+a4 (82ffe000,d,5,8) ra 801a8c04 sz 32
801a8b54+b0 (82ffe000,d,5,8) ra 801a8f94 sz 32
801a8f64+30 (82ffe000,d,5,8) ra 8016975c sz 40
mips3_proc_trampoline+c (82ffe000,d,5,8) ra 0 sz 24
User-level: pid 6.1

The other relevant code segments seem to be:
801a8168 T wsmux_set_display
801a8ec4 T apmprint
801a8ff0 T apmdevopen
801a913c T apmdevclose
801a922c T apmdevioctl
801a9484 T apmdevpoll
801a9614 T apmdevkqfilter
801a9f20 T pcimatch
801a9f88 T pciattach

db> ps
 PID           PPID     PGRP        UID S   FLAGS LWPS          COMMAND    WAIT
 1273             1     1273          0 2  0x4002    1               sh   ttyin
 16               1       16          0 2       0    1        mount_mfs  mfsidl
 14               0        0          0 2 0x20200    1         aiodoned aiodone
 13               0        0          0 2 0x20200    1          ioflush  syncer
 12               0        0          0 2 0x20200    1       pagedaemon pgdaemo
 11               0        0          0 2 0x20200    1            nfsio  nfsidl
 10               0        0          0 2 0x20200    1            nfsio  nfsidl
 9                0        0          0 2 0x20200    1            nfsio  nfsidl
 8                0        0          0 2 0x20200    1            nfsio  nfsidl
 7                0        0          0 2 0x20200    1          atabus0   atath
>6                0        0          0 2 0x20200    1          apmdev0
 5                0        0          0 2 0x20200    1        pcic0,0,1  pcicev
 4                0        0          0 2 0x20200    1        pcic0,0,0  pcicev
 3                0        0          0 2 0x20200    1          usbtask  usbtsk
 2                0        0          0 2 0x20200    1             usb0  usbevt
 1                0        1          0 2  0x4000    1             init    wait
 0               -1        0          0 2 0x20200    1          swapper sc

Is there some advice how to hunt down the source of the panic? I will
try to use KGDB but then I am not able to use a serial console.

I can send dmesg and kernel config files if those are needed.
