Subject: Re: Tiny Word Processing
To: None <>
From: Mattias Sandstrom <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 02/24/2004 14:27:05
Bernd Sieker wrote:
>>one problem with ted is that it seems to load the entire documents into
>>memory, which isn't a very good thing if the documents are larger than
>>very small on low memory/no swap machines.
> But is there actually a word processor that does _not_ do that?
> Not even many text editors can do that.
you're probably right, but i've seen a huge difference in memory use
between ted and abiword when opening large docs. perhaps it has to do
with the handling of images, or maybe ted creates a separate text widget
for every line of text in the entire document at once? you can hardly
even open the readme file in ted on a 32 meg machine without swap, while
i never had a problem with abiword despite the fact that ted uses less
memory to begin with.