Subject: Re: Mobile Pro + NetBSD as a commandline PDA?
To: Miles Nordin <carton@Ivy.NET>
From: Dick Davies <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 04/29/2004 20:49:47
Miles Nordin wrote:
>>>>>>"fc" == Florian Cramer <> writes:
> fc> as a PDA. How good is battery life, suspend/resume support and
> fc> overall robustness with the Mobile Pro?
> battery life is 1.5 hours with screen at max brightness, no more than
> 3 at the dimmest setting. oh yeah, and you can only change the
> brightness in WinCE.
> There is no suspend/resume. Someone put in this whole i386-based APM
> emulation spaghetti monstrosity, which will suspend _the cpu only_.
> It was surely a neat exercise for learning how to suspend a VR-series
> MIPS, but it doesn't turn off the screen backlight, doesn't power down
> PC cards,
The power button does though. Other than that, this is definitely in the
top 3 funniest rants I've read today :)
I've got a Zaurus now. They suck too, of course, but are a bit smaller
(and don't give me random electric shocks like my mp800 did - nice).